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Structural Pattern

Façade Pattern

A façade class can be used to wrap all the interfaces and classes for a subsystem.

Step 1: Design the interface

public interface IAccount {
public void deposit(BigDecimal amount);
public void withdraw(BigDecimal amount);
public void transfer(BigDecimal amount);
public int getAccountNumber();

Step 2: Implement the interface with one or more classes

public class Chequing implements IAccount {...}
public class Saving implements IAccount {...}
public class Investment implements IAccount {...}

Step 3: Create the façade class and wrap the classes that implement the interface

public class BankService {
private Hashtable<int, IAccount> bankAccount;
public BankService(){
this.bankAccounts = new Hashtable<int, IAccount>;
public int createNewAccount(String type, BigDecimal initAmount){
IAccount newAccount = null;
switch (type) {
case "chequing":
newAccount = new Chequing(initAmount);
case "saving":
newAccount = new Saving(initAmount);
case "investment":
newAccount = new Investment(initAmount);
System.out.println("Invalid account type");
if (newAccount != null) {
this.bankAccounts.put(newAccount.getAccountNumber(), newAccount);
return newAccount.getAccountNumber();
return -1;
public void transferMoney(int to, int from, BigDecimal amount) {
IAccount toAccount = this.bankAccounts.get(to);
IAccount fromAccount = this.bankAccounts.get(from);
fromAccount.transfer(toAccount, amount);

Adapter Pattern

Composite Pattern

Proxy Pattern

Decorator Pattern