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所有格 America‘s federal trade commission

冠词/名词 The heightened alert followed an emergency meeting with flu experts ion Geneva..

数词 More than three million doses were to be made available in early October.

By the third generation, one third of Hispanic women are married to non-Hispanics, and 41 percent of Asian-American women are married to non-Asian.

形容词作定语:侧重描写被修饰名词的特征 Mathematical problems/models (not physics) 名词作定语:侧重描写被修饰名词的内容 Mathematics curriculum_textbook_formula


形容词修饰名词 直接连接/主系表结构 Yet it is pervasive in our young girls’ lives. …spending of any sort became(系) deeply unfashionable.

副词修饰动词句子其他的形容词或副词 This man quickly nodded in agreement. Not surprisingly, Japanese newspapers are much more stable. The trend toward “less” was not entirely foreign. Those with degrees from elite universities catch up fairly quickly.



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