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形容词从句 Attributive clause

  1. 含义:一个句子作定语,修饰限定名词
  2. 位置:跟在所修饰的名次后
  3. 写法:先行词n. + 关系词 + 陈述句


    • This is the job. I have dreamed of the job for years.

    • This is the job which I have dreamed of for years. (Which = the job)

  4. 做什么成分? => 还原关系词的位置
    • 事/物 => which/that

    • 人 => who/that

    • 某人的/某物的 => whose

    • 时间 => when

    • 地点 => where

    • 原因 => why

  5. 主谓一致
    • Jasper White is one of t hose rare people who believes in ancient myths.





  • The women who has a handbag served me.

  • The women who has dark hair served me.

  • The women who is standing behind the counter served me.


  1. 修饰名词,通常为形容词。
  2. 从多个相似事物中确定一个。
  3. 可放在名词前面(短,形容词)或后面(长,定语从句)。



  • 人+ who/that +(主语)+ 动词 … + …

  • 物+ which/that +(主语)+ 动词 … +…


  • Step1: 找到被修饰的名词及其定语(名词:人,定语:在这间办公室工作)
  • Step2: 人+ who/that + 动词… +友好
  • Step3: 逐个翻译(The people who works in this office are very friendly.)

who/which/that 作从句宾语时通常省略

  • I want to marry a man who loves me. (主语)

  • I want to marry a man (who) I love.(宾语)

  • The people (who/whom/that) we met were very friendly.

  • The dinner (which/that) my mother cooked was delicious.

  • The fish (which/that) my wife bought was dead.

  • I found the book (which/that) I wanted.


  1. 不定代词后(all, little, few, none, everything, 最高级, 序数词)
  2. 被不定代词修饰的名词
  • Is there anything that I can do for you?
  • This is the best book that I have ever read.
  • This is the last thing thatI want to say.
  • I’d like to read all the book that are written by him.



  • This is the plane which I live in. (Informal)

  • This is the plane in which I live. (Formal)

  • You are the guy we are trying to get away from.(Informal)

  • You are the guy from whomwe are trying to get away. (Formal)

  • I’m living in a house in which I can even play golf.

  • The driver was the men from whose room she had stolen the maps.


whose: …的

  • Are there any rooms whose windows face the sea?
  • We’ll go to the town whose name I have heard of.

where = 介词 + which(地点)

  • This is the place where I live.
  • This is the place which I live in.
  • This is the place in which I live.

when = 介词 + which(事件)

  • We have all experienced days when every thing goes wrong.

  • We have all experienced days on which every thing goes wrong.

  • We have all experienced days that seems like years. (没有介词,直接用which/that)

why(reason/cause + why)

  • This is the reason why I didn’t come home.