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1. After

  • I arrived after he left.

2. Before

  • You need to get out of here before you get into trouble.

3. When While As

  • It was raining when we arrived.

  • He fell asleep While he was doing his homework.

  • I watched her as she combed her hair.

  • As you get older, three things happen.

  • I learned Spanish while I was in Mexico.

4. By the time

  • By the time the war was over, death and suffering were to be seen everywhere.

5. Since


  • He has had two jobs since he graduated.

6. As soon as/The moment: 一...就...

  • During summer holidays, I often get up as soon as the sun begins to come through my window.
  • The moment you leave this tend, you will get a big surprise.

7. Till/Until

  • I didn’t realize he was a foreigner until he started speaking.

8. Every time

  • The windows the bedroom were still leaking every time it rained.

9. The first/last/next time:

  • The first time I received my salary, I was over joyed.

10. 时间状语从句,用一般现在时表示将来。主句用将来时。


  • I’ll tell him the bed news when I see him.

  • I’ll have saved enough money to buy a house by the time I turn 30 years old.

      I thought her nice and honest ____ I met her.

    A. First time B.for the first time C.the first time the first time
