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状语从句 Adverbial Clauses

状语从句相当于大的副词 定语从句相当于大的形容词


  1. 简单句(一套单独的主语动词)

    This is a man. He wears a suit.

  2. 并列举(两句话地位相当,句子1+连接词+句子2)

  3. 复合句(连接词的种类表明逻辑关系,状语从句,定语从句,名词性从句) 主句+连接词+从句 连接词+从句,主句


1 时间When/While/AsAfter/BeforeSinceBy the time
Till/UntilAs soon asEvery timeThe first/last/next time
2 地点where
3 原因becausesicneas<,for>
4 结果<so…that><such…that><be such that…>
5 目的so thatin order that
6 条件IfIn caseSo/As long asSuppose(that)
7 让步Although/thoughEven if/even thoughwhile/whereasNo matter+疑问词
8 方式asThe wayAs if/ as though
9 比较thanAs…as

一、时间状语从句(Adverbial clauses of time)

多由连词引起。 when, after, before, as, as soon as, as long as, since, whenever, once

  • When we lived in town we often went to the theater.
  • It was a long time before I got to sleep again. As the sun rosethe fog dispersed.

少数不由连词引起状语从句。 now that, every time, each time, the moment, immediately, instantly, directly

  • Directly he uttered these words, there eas a dead silence.
  • I had no sooner checked in the hotel than he arrived.

二、地点状语从句(Adverbial clause of place)

where, wherever, anywhere

  • The church was built where there had once been a roman temple.
  • EverywhereI go, I find the same thing.

三、方式状语从句(Adverbial clause of manner)

一般由 aslikeas if 引起。

  • I am as you can image short of money. 正如你能想象的那样,我很缺钱。
  • I did as she asked.
  • Do it as he does.
  • I feeljust like I did when I was a boy.
  • I remember the whole thing as if it happened yesterday.
  • He glanced aboutas if in search of something.

四、原因状语从句(Adverbial clause of reason)

一般由 because, as, since, in case, 还有两个词有相同的意思(seeing,considering)

  • He was angry because we were late.
  • As the soup was very salty, we were thirsty afterwards.
  • He took a spoonful and tasted itin caseit was hot.
  • Seeing thatit is ten o’clock, we shall not wait for her any longer.

五、条件状语从句 (Adverbial clause of condition)

一般由 if, unless, supposing, providing, as long as, granted that引起。

  • We sat on the grass if it was fine.
  • If I could afford it, I would buy a boat.
  • If necessary,ring me at home.
  • Supposing he can’t come, who will do the work?

六、让步状语从句(Adverbial clause of concession)

主要由 although, though, even though, while,whereas

  • Though we are poor, we are still happy.
  • Some praise him,whereas others condemn him.
  • Though not large, the room was well lit.

七八、目的状语从句和结果状语从句(adverbial clause of purpose and adverbial clause of result)

主要由 so that,such that, in order that, otherwise, else.

  • Let’s take the front seats that we may see more clearly.
  • Give me back the money,otherwise I’ll ring the police.
  • Hurry up or else you’ll be late.

九、比较状语从句(adverbial clauses of comparison)

主要由 than ,as 引起。

  • You sing better thanI do.
  • I haven’t done as much as I should have liked.(我没做得像我希望的那样好。)

一. 单项填空

  1. ___ he’s old, he can still carry this heavy bag.

    A. Though B. Since C. For D. So

  2. —Do you know if he ___ to play basket ball with us? —I think he will come if he __ free tomorrow.

    A. comes; is B. comes; will be C. will come; is D. will come; will be

  3. In the zoo if a child _ into the water and can’t swim, the dolphins may come up __ him.

    A. will fall; to help B. falls; to help C. will fall; help D. falls; helping

  4. I don’t remember ____ he worked in that city when he was young.

    A. what B. which C. where D. who

  5. We will stay at home if my aunt ____ to visit us tomorrow.

    A. comes B. come C. will come D. is coming

  6. The police asked the children ___ cross the street ____ the traffic lights turned green.

    A. not; before B. don’t; when C. not to; until D. not; after

  7. I was late for class yesterday ___ there was something wrong with my bike.

    A. when B. that C. until D. because

  8. I’ll go swimming with you if I ____ free tomorrow.

    A. will be B. shall be C. am D. was

  9. In the exam, the ____ you are, __ the ___ mistakes you will make.

    A. careful; little B. more careful; fewest C. more careful; fewer D. more careful; less

  10. You should finish your lessons ___ you go out to play.

    A. before B. after C. when D. while

  11. I hurried _ I wouldn’t be late for class.

    A. since B. so that C. as if D. unless

  12. When you read the book, you’d better make a mark ___ you have any questions.

    A. which B. that C. where D. though

  13. The teacher raised his voice ___ all the students could hear him.

    A. for B. so that C. because D. in order

  14. He took off his coat ___ he felt hot.

    A. because B. as C. if D. since

  15. It is __ that we’d like to go out for a walk.

    A. a lovely day B. too lovely a day C. so lovely a day D. such lovely a day

  16. Mary had __ much work to do that she stayed at her office all day.

    A. such B. so C. too D. very

  17. ___ I felt very tired, I tried to finish the work.

    A. Although B. Because C. As D. As if

1.A 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.C 9.C 10.A
11.B 12.C 13.B 14.A 15.C 16.B 17.A