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主+谓 => 谓 + 主


Only on one occasion have I ever felt frightened.

结构:主+谓 => 辅助谓语 + 主语 + 实义谓语


  • Only提前用于句首
  • 否定代词提前(few, little, never)



Hardly did I think it possible. 我并不认为这是可能的。

常用的否定副词:never, seldom, rarely, little, hardly, scarcely, nowhere, no sooner

Never have I read such stories. 我从来没有 读过这样的小说。

Nowhere can he find the book he wants. 无论在哪儿他都找不到他想要的那本书。

Rarely in recent years has a routine inaugural trip of a head of government been watched with such keen interest at home and abroad.

2.含有 only 的状语位于句首,句子要倒装

倒装句1 倒装句2

  • Only at night do bats leave their cave. 

  • Only when you go will I go.

  • Only by studying hard can you do well on the test.

  • Only then did he realize that he had made a mistake.只有到那个时候,他才认识到自己犯了个 错误。

  • Only when a great deal more information has been obtained will it be possible to plan a trip. 只有获得比较多的信息之后,才有可能计划去旅行。,such 位于句首,句子也要倒装。

倒装句3 倒装句4

  • He was so surprised that he couldn’t say a word.

  • So surprised was he that he couldn’t say a word.  

  • Such was his surprise that he couldn’t say a word. 

  • Amy was so sad that she cried her heart out. 

  • So sad was Amy that she cried her heart out. 

  • Such was Amy’s sadness that she cried her heart out.

4.还有 not 的副词短语位于句首,要倒装。

not for a moment, not in the least , not for an instant, not until

Not in the least is he interested in English literature. 他对英国文学一点都不感兴趣。

Not for an instant did I believe he had lied.

5.含有 no 的短语位于句首,句子要倒装。

at no time, in no way, in no sense, by no means, in no case, on no account, on no condition , under no circumstances.

Under no circumstances can we accept the check.无论如何我们不能接受这笔钱。

On no account must you leave the baby in the house.你无论如何也不能把婴儿留在房间 里。