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动名词: doing 不定式: to do 现在分词: doing 过去分词: done

作用:简化句子 溯源:<英语一主一谓原则>一个句子只能有一个谓语动词

能干什么=>语法功能 长什么样=>各种形式 动作发出者=>逻辑主语


He turned off the radio. + He left the room. After he had turned off the radio, he left the room. After having turned off the radio, he left the room. Having turned off the radio, he left the room.

能干什么=> 名词 => 主语/宾语/表语/定语


  • Football is fun. 足球有意思
  • Playing football is fun. 踢足球有意思


  • I enjoy movies. 我喜欢电影
  • I enjoy watching movies. 我喜欢看电影


  • My favourite sport is playing soccer.


  • reading room
  • waiting room
  • swimming pool


一般doingbeing done
完成having donehaving been done


  • Do you mind opening the window?
  • Do you mind my opening the window?
  • Do you mind Tom’s opening the window.
  • My wife insists on buying this hat.
  • My wife insists on my buying this hat.
  • It surprised us that John won the game. =>
  • That John won the game surprised us.=>
  • John’s winning the game surprised us.
  • That he lost the game came as a surprise to everybody.
  • His losing the game came as a surprised to everybody.
  • I consider that I will emigrate to America in the future=> I consider emigrating to America in the future.
  • I hope that I can drive to work in my own car. => I hope to drive to work in my own car.